coronavirus molecule


Published 3-16-2020
It is impossible to turn on TV or engage on any social media platforms without being informed about the Covid-19 crisis, thus we felt it best to use the newest update in an “FAQ format.”
Q: Are things getting better at all? How do we know if all the measures are working?
A: We advise you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram where we post the number of new cases globally every morning. It has been suggested we post U.S. numbers but this is a global pandemic. As long as the number of global cases are increasing, we are at risk. 
About a month ago, it was 1000 new cases a day. Then at the end of March, 3000. A week ago, 5,000. Today 10,000.That is because each new case has infected numerous others. The biggest difference between Covid-19 and the flu is that we know the flu season ends each March historically. We have no end in sight to this virus.
Q: I understand the need for self-quarantine to limit the spread. But what CAN I leave the house for? 
There are always special situations, e.g. a loved one who lives apart from you and needs assistance, your pharmacy doesn’t deliver and you need your meds, etc. In reality there are only two essential reasons to leave quarantine.
1. Food. You need to eat and drink. As the shelves get restocked you need to buy your provisions. 
BUT–consider learning to use delivery services (Instacart, etc.) to get your groceries without leaving your home. Especially if you are a senior or not in perfect health.
2. Health. You should still take care of your health which means keeping your medical appointments. It makes no sense to isolate to prevent this virus yet have your diabetes run out of control, your blood pressure become elevated, or your tension headaches go without treatment, which could indicate something more serious. 
BUT –consider using video/virtual visits aka “telehealth” or “telemedicine.” Over 80% of visits can be done via face to face video from the comfort of your home. It’s easy to set up and is used with your mobile device or tablet (ex. iPad)
Q: Are Caduceus’ offices open?
A: We are taking it day by day and yes we are open for normal business. We STRONGLY encourage all of our patients to use the Caduceus or the PDQ Urgent Care and More app and seek out care via a video visit from your mobile device during this crisis.
IF YOU ALREADY HAVE AN APPT, please change it to a video visit. Please DO NOT CALL THE OFFICE during this time. You can email patient support at or use the “Live Chat” feature on our website at Our staff will be calling all patients with appointments to ask them to change it to a video visit.
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN APPT BUT WANT TO MAKE ONE, start off by scheduling a video visit. It is easy to request by email at either or by “Live Chat” on the website. If your doctor doesn’t currently offer video visits we can have you see a provider that does temporarily until you can come in the office to be seen.
IF YOU ONLY WANT TO BE SEEN IN PERSON, we are open for you. We have not allowed suspected infections into our lobbies for almost a week. There will be no one infected near you during the visit. Of course that doesn’t guarantee the people you will come in contact with are not infected. Any staff member who has any signs of infection is not allowed to work. 
Q: Is Caduceus still doing Covid-19 swabs?
Yes. We have a limited number of swabs still available and are awaiting word on having the labs sending more. If we do not have a new shipment soon, we will run out mid-week.
We are now announcing a new protocol for Covid-19 testing.
-All patients wanting COVID-19 testing must first be screened by a provider through a video visit. You can book that through the PDQ Urgent Care and More app. If you have trouble, please use “Live Chat” on . We have been doing video visits since 2012 and have the technology and systems set up to handle the volume assuming the PDQ app is used on an iOS or Android mobile device or tablet.
-Once the screening is done, you can be directed to one of our THREE curbside testing centers.
We cover all of Orange County:

  • North County- Caduceus Yorba Linda Family Practice and Urgent Care Ste 201 and 203
  • Central– PDQ Urgent Care and More in Orange
  • South County- Caduceus on Thalia in Laguna Beach

For Covid-19 screening, we are using video visits and curbside swabbing only. This allows for evaluation from the comfort of your home and car.

For ANY infection that presents to one of our urgent cares including ANY FEVER, you will be directed back to your car for a video visit. Our staff will assist in setting up the video visit for you.
If a fever is discovered after performing vital signs prior to your actual visit with the provider in ANY Caduceus office, you will also be directed to your car for a video visit. Patients with fevers will not be roomed in any Caduceus office. 
-Once screened, you MUST return home for self-quarantine until the result is in, usually 3-5 days. 
This is a daily evolving situation. Please monitor our social media, e-newsletter, and website for updates. Since we are sending any staff home that are even possibly sick, including our doctors, we ask your understanding as we mobilize our resources to best handle the Covid-19 pandemic. 
It is best to NOT cancel any visit, including annual check-ups, with the idea of rescheduling in the summer. We anticipate our provider schedules to be full so it is advised to keep your appointments. We can do a lot to treat you via a video visit, so please give some thought to changing your appointment to see the doctor from your phone.  We can always reschedule your in-person appointments once the crisis allows. 
Q: Anything new with prevention or treatment?
A vaccine is being tested but not available for community use. There are anecdotal reports of various anti-viral antibiotics being successful, but the data has not yet been published.
I have read reports on social media and even mainstream media supporting ginger tea, vitamin c, turmeric, garlic, and CBD drops being successful treatments. There is NO evidence for ANY of these, although they may be harmless to try. 
In Summary:

  • Stay home except for essential reasons
  • Use delivery services for food
  • Use video visits for your health care in lieu of rescheduling in person appointments
  • Do NOT ignore a fever or signs of infection.  Ask a medical question to your physician at or schedule a video visit ASAP.
  • Follow us on social media to keep current on the numbers and our latest recommendations.

Gregg DeNicola MD
Caduceus Medical Group
Chief Medical Officer